Sure-Grip’s new Sugar N Spice skates are children’s sized speed skates with a cinch strap and light up wheels. They come in sizes 10J – 4, black or white. The black skate has blue accents and the white skate has pink accents. These are in stock now.
We received a new shipment from Vanilla. We now have a much better selection of their Junior skates in stock. We also received more of their Astro wheels. These are a great looking high end quad speed wheel with a distinctive hub design and neon colors. They come in 65mm or 58mm sizes and pink, green, orange, and yellow colors. We have all colors in the 65mm in stock but only the pink and orange in the smaller 58mm size so far.
We have two new inline rental skates from Roller Derby. The R400 is a hard molded boot skate, similar to the Excel inlines, but with laces and one buckle at the top, in sizes 1-12. The RH80 is a hockey style inline skate in sizes 6-13. The advantage of the hockey skate is that it laces up, so there are no buckles to break.
New Year’s Eve is rapidly approaching. Here are some of the items we carry to help you get ready:
#AP200 – Feather Boas
#BA090 – Balloon Drop Bag
#MU685 – Stadium Horns
#NVS440 – Leis (shiny plastic)
#PGS725 – Blowouts
#PG310 – NYE Foil Hats
#PG526 – Metal Noisemakers
#PG783 – NYE Hats Budget
#PG785 – NYE Glitter Tiara
#PGNY24 – 24 person deluxe kit
#PGNY50 – 50 person deluxe kit
#PGNY100 – 100 person deluxe kit
#PGS535 – Tinsel Party Horn
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