Who doesn’t love a great day roller skating with friends and family? Roller skating is always a no-fail good time, however we’ll be the first to admit; sometimes going around in circles gets a little monotonous! So we’ve decided to introduce to you some super fun activities on roller skates (inside and outdoor) that your kids will love. Here are our favorites below!
- Musical “Chairs” On Skates. Have a blast with this fun twist on a classic game! Instead of using chairs, players will have to stop at a spot marked on the ground (outdoor you could use chalk, indoor use tape, etc). Make sure you have one extra person than you do marks on the ground. Have a DJ play some music, and stop it at a random point. When the music stops, players must find their way to the top of a spot. Whoever doesn’t find a spot is out, continuing until you have a winner.
- Roller Tag. Just like the normal game of tag, the same rules apply! Find an open space like an empty parking lot, gym or roller rink. Pick one person to be “it”. This person will try to chase down their friends and if they can touch their shoulder, that person is now it! Note: parental guidance is suggested for this game, as kids can become too enthusiastic move forcefully!
- Prize Places. This is a great game for kids because it has a ton of incentive. Gather a couple of notecards and write different areas in the rink on them. For example, next to the DJ booth, by the exit sign, or near the concessions would work just fine. Put all the cards in a hat. Have the kids start skating around the rink, and stop the music at a random time. The host will pull out a card, and whoever is closest to that listed location will win a prize!
- Pizza Relay. Everybody loves a great relay race; so let’s put a fun spin on it! Gather a group and split them into two teams. Mark a skating lane for each team. Use cones to separate the lanes and tape to mark the start and finish line. Give the first person in each line a stack of empty pizza boxes (5 is a good amount). The first person begins, and must hold them as they skate their lap. If they drop any of the boxes, they have to return to their line and start again! If they make it, they’ll hand it to the second person in line and they’ll go until one team has it completed.
And there you have it! If you’re looking for great skates for these fun games, check out our fantastic spring collection! You can also find a local rink on our skating rinks page.