Our annual tradeshow is coming up on Oct 2 and 3. Invites went out in the mail, hopefully you’ve received one by now. This is a great chance to see new products in person, meet with different vendors, talk to other rink operators, etc. The local RSA Chapter will be hosting a skate party at one of the local rinks. The brand new RSA Small Rink Committee will be having a round table discussion group to find out what kind of support the rinks in smaller markets would like to see from the RSA. This sounds like it should be one of the better meetings of the year, we hope you can join us here in Roanoke, VA. If you have questions please give us a call or an email. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, please do so quickly, as the hotels are going to be pretty busy this week with a big football game at Virginia Tech.
We have several new skates from the Roces company. One of the things we like about these skates are the wide variety of sizes they’re coming in. . .
Roces ZYX – Available in sizes 16, 17, and 18 (not a typo). One buckle and one power strap per skate, with a fast lacing system. 90mm x 82A wheels. ABEC 5 bearings. In stock now.
Roces FCO – A rental inline. Available in sizes 13, 14, and 15. 76mm wheels and ABEC 5 bearings. One buckle per skate, with laces. Coming soon.
Roces Orlando – An adjustable inline for smaller feet. Small is really small (fits sz 9J-12J), medium (fits sz 13J-3), and large (fits sz 4-7). ABEC 3 bearings. Two buckles per skate. 72mm wheels on medium and large, 64mm wheels on the small. In stock now.
We have great sources for several different promo items you can use to get the word out about your business. Here are some of the more popular choices. Each of these can be imprinted with info about your rink.
Cake Knives – use these to cut birthday cakes or serve pizza, then give them to the birthday mom with your rink’s info printed on them.
Wooden Nickels – a neat classic looking wooden nickel design on one side, and a “free coke†or “free admission†printed on the other side.
Pencils – hand these out to all the birthday party guests or school party customers. Or print up some extra and donate them to local schools that are looking to help out the students that might not have funds to buy their own supplies. A great way to potentially get your message into schools that could then book parties from your rink.
We also have a new deodorizer spray called Scenturion now in stock. It helps kill the bacteria that cause odor buildup in rental skates.