As we enter the New Year, how are your financials looking? Could your skate center be more profitable? At Southeastern Skate Supply we hear from a lot of other business owners. If your marketing strategy is up-to-date, check out their suggestions for increasing profitability.
Take Advantage of Down Time
How are you handling your off nights? If you’re finding that certain nights of the week don’t get enough traffic to make staying open reasonable, look for other ways to fill that time. You’ve got plenty of open space, with lights and sound systems already installed; why not consider hosting dance parties or acting as a night club? Otherwise, look around your community and see what other organizations need the space: roller derby teams, basketball events, etc.
Invite the Pros
Speaking of space, if your skate floor meets the requirements for speed or figure skating competitions, get involved as an event location. One national event could take care of your expenses for the whole year, giving you a little financial breathing room. Not only that, it’s a ton of fun and good for the rest of the businesses in your community!
Add Fun Extras
Finally, look at what you’re selling. Are your concession stand options appealing to a wide range of customers? Is it possible for you to obtain a liquor license (parents will thank you, especially at birthday parties!)? Can you add skating lessons during the week? Do you sell skates and staff your pro shop with professionals who can do repairs?
The more services you offer in-house, the more time and money your customers will spend with your business. Don’t forget to check out The Roller Skating Business Resource Manual from Southeastern Skate Supply.