Summer is vastly approaching and that means that it’s time to get your skating rink ready for some summer fun. At Southeastern Skate Supply, we’ve been supplying wholesale rink equipment since 1954, and this year is no different.
When was the last time you replaced your rinks’ roller skates? No one enjoys renting old, beat up skates. Not even the happiest of skaters. So, if the rental skates at your facility need a new look, check out our wide collection of quad and inline skates to stock your shelves with the newest roller skating gear!
How’s your carpet look? Skating rink carpet needs to be extremely durable to stand up to the wear and tear of the skaters. If your carpet is full of stains, tears, and rips, it may be time for it to be replaced. At Southeastern Skate Supply, we stock two different types of Carpetile carpet. Give us a call for more information on our carpet selection.
Do you have a snack bar? Snack bars are a great way to feed your customers and keep them at your facility for a longer time period. At Southeastern Skate Supply, Â we offer the complete line of snack bar equipment, including Gold Medal brand kitchen equipment and Plymold Seating. Items are shipped directly from the manufacturer at a significant discount off of their list prices. For more information about our snack bar equipment, visit our snack bar equipment page. Â
For more information about our products at Southeastern Skate Supply, visit our home page, and for more information on how to improve your rolling skating business, check out The Roller Skating Business Resources Manual also on our website. Are you a current Southeastern Skate Supply customer? Rate and share your experience with us in the review section of our Facebook page today. We always enjoy hearing from you!